Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kitras & Kitras Seguros (Panamá)

Tower Securities, Inc. (Towerbank Panama)

Sistema Clave Panamá

Paul Smith

Subway Jeans

Metro Plaza, S.A.

Museo del Niño de Panamá

Maderas y Materiales de Construcción, S.A.

Panamonte Hotel & Estates (Boquete, Panamá)

Hospital del Niño de Panamá (50 Aniversario)

Formas Universales, S.A.

Electra Noreste de Panamá

Dirección General de Ingresos de Panamá

Clinica de Ojos Orillac

Calox Panameña, S.A.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Supermercados Mr Precio

Mr Precio is a supermarket chain for low-end markets. Once again "keep it simple" ruled the day and a letter "C" became a "cent" symbol.

Hosanna Visión TV

This design project was a first - a logo for a christian television station. The Hosanna Visión Television logo was paid for but never used. I show case it with pride because its about type, simplicity and a symbol that wasn't a cross.

Café Eleta

The founder of Café Eleta wanted to incorporate the family crest into his gourmet brand of coffee.

Farmacias Metro

At the heart of my designs you'll always find a concept and simplicity. We could call it an old-school approach, but it works. An "x" on the "R's" right leg and bing, bang, boom we've got a all-in-one logo.

Asociación Nacional de Conciertos de Panamá

The national flower of Panama is a white orchid called the "holy ghost flower" (Periferia Elata). In the center is the shape of a small pigeon. It is one of a kind and very beautiful. Perfect for the logo of a non-profit group that provides instruments and music camps for young musicians with funds obtained from classical concerts.

Almacén Adams

Almacén Adams is an upscale mens clothing store that used Adam's apple successfully in their advertising. Things that happen in branding - a strong communication device becomes a brand. The previous version of the logo had a large apple and the name. I joined them for simplicity and reduced the foot-print.

Banco Comercial de Panamá, S.A.

Probably one of the first logos I created in Panama. Must of been around 1978.

A principal investor asked me to whip something up for a board meeting he had in a couple of days. I sent him some sketches of an icon with a winged horse. With a Pegasus a new bank was born.

Aereo Club de Panamá

A local flying club requested a symbol for their group. Something they could put on their planes and hats.

Autoridad del Canal de Panamá

With the transition of the Panama Canal to the Republic of Panama in 2000 a new logo was implemented. The concept for the icon combined the colors and double stars from the flag and the passage between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jam Patty

Logo created in 2004 for Caribbean Patty, bakers of Jamaican Patties. These meal-size turnovers are baked in Panama and taste just like the originals in Jamaica. Having lived in Kingston for many years and enjoyed many a lunch with a soda and patty, I wanted an all-in-one symbol that said "me de real ting man".

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today is the first day of the rest of my blogging days.